House lights dimmed… curtains open… the stage is set… the orchestra bursts into life… the cast floods on and the lead comes forward with a twirl, twirl, twirl, dramatic stop with a foot stamp, arms raised, smiles & sings… “Musicals!”
Allsorts Community choir invites you to join us, in the comfort of your own home, for a superb evening of songs from the musicals. Costumes are welcome, so nuns & pick-pockets, cabaret stars & wild west women, chimney sweeps & High School T-birds, can all socialise together on screen.
Be the one that we want and join us for this free event by simply clicking the Zoom link on the evening.
Allsorts choir is for all sorts of people. We have fun singing and have enjoyed keeping ourselves entertained online each week, but have missed performing, so our Musical Director, Marius, came up with the idea to open up a session for others to join us for an occasional themed evening and as the previous Music Hall evening was such a success, we figured Musicals would be just as amazing darlings!
Don’t forget to share, share, share, and join us for this singular sensation.
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