Ever thought about volunteering but not sure what is available? Why not volunteer for The RISE Trust and support your local community?
Volunteers support many of the services we provide for families and young people within the North Wiltshire area. Volunteers provide a valuable source of experience and knowledge that enrich the services provided by the Trust.
We provide all our volunteers a full training and induction programme together with on-going support throughout their time with RISE.
Volunteering enables you to learn new skills, meet new people, develop your confidence and try out new things. It is a great pathway to employment, and it enables you to support your local community, sharing your experience and knowledge.
We have volunteering roles to suit everyone – no matter how much time you have to give and whatever your experience.
Find out more on our website here &/or contact Vicky Watt, Volunteer Coordinator for more details on 01249 464008 or vickyw@therisetrust.org